Monday, October 17, 2011

Fund drive!

Yes, it's that time of year here in the D.C. metropolitan area.  Our local station, WAMU is soliciting funds.  And in a time of shrinking governmental support, it's more important than ever.  If you haven't done so already, pick up the phone, or go on-line, and pay until it hurts.

Because public broadcasting - especially NPR and the local affiliates - seems to be the last bastion of independent journalism.  There is an overabundance of opinion (much of it right-wing nut-job).  Our very democracy hangs in the balance.  You know it, I know it, all of us choir members know it, so as the demigoddess Nike says, just do it!

And if you listen regularly to NPR, there is an even more immediate reason to make your donation:  self interest.  Once you've called and made your pledge (or payment), then you can go on listening to the shows - Morning Edition, This American Life, Car Talk, etc. - even as they are holding the telethon.  Then notice the lack of guilt you feel, even as you enjoy the clever promotional 'spots' done by various celebrities.  And not feel the urge to change the channel, or turn off the radio, just to avoid the guilt.

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